Thursday, October 15, 2009

waa! today was fun :D
went to school, brought phone and Ipod, heee ! missed out a camera LOL but phone camera will do :)
took some pictures and chat chat chat plus laugh lau
gh laugh :D totally awesome !
then, my mom called, she said she want to take me back ea
rly. I said fine, great .
right after I took my bath, we rushed to Ikea to meet my
mom's friend and that's the reason why I went back early.
it was kind of fun but tiring. oh and I ate meet balls, yumyum


came back from Ikea, wanted to sleep, but no ;D See Min and Sam came to my house. we played camera game HAHA. so fun and crazy, we really laughed a lot :)
after my mom went out, 6 pm, me, Sam & See Min went to 7-e and met Wai Kit and Teck Sheng. we hanged out there for awhile. It was cool :D

pictures :
school time

will upload the camera game pictures tomorrow because now is bed time !
goodgood night :D

p/s have fun in Langkawi, my friends !